We just returned alive and only a little traumatized from our family vacation to San Antonio having taken in all the sights (Sea World, the Alamo, El Mercado & the Riverwalk). Lest you think this was a run of the mill, late summer jaunt to entertain the boys, you should know that when I say “family” vacation, that does not mean just the four members of my immediate family, it encompasses 17 members of my extended family.
To truly appreciate the gravity of that statement, allow me to introduce the key players:
Meme and Grandpa McHenry (a.k.a. Susan and Jay).

The Haywood Family – Jill, Andrew, Molly (3), and Ben (born in June ’08). Only Molly made the trip, because – let’s face it – a 1 month old at Sea World is just a disaster in the making.
Thursday we traveled to SA and crashed at our hotel (pretty low key). Friday we head to Sea World in plenty of time to get there right as it is opening. Everyone has a to-do list – shows, roller coasters, gift shop purchases. Steve (a.k.a. Turbo-Tourist) attempts to organize the clan. He keeps whispering the phrase “herding cats”. Well put. We stare danger in the face as we proceed: kids outnumber adults, it is 100+ degrees, we have 4 strollers packed with kids and theme park paraphernalia, and there are record crowds at Sea World.
We blunder our way through the day catching: shows (Shamu, of course), roller coasters (Steel Eel, not a fan!), and who knows what from the public restrooms. Around 4:30, everyone is near comatose, so Brad and Mer suggest a trip to the water park to lounge in the Lazy River. Bryant starts chanting “la-zy river” and in my heat exhaustion I join him for a moment. Brendan and Zoe strip down to their suits and plunge into the river. Steve wades in cautiously as I peel Bryant (thrashing and squeaking) off the hand rail and begin to drag him along. Maybe it was the mass of humanity swirling around us, or the swift man-made current that spooked him, but I drag him along until we score a donut shaped tube with handles for him to ride on. In trying to get him onto the tube he manages to climb up the edge of the river, park himself beside a lifeguard, cross his arms over his life jacket, stick out his lips in a world class pout and refuse to come back into the water. Fun times!
Brendan and Zoe, both great swimmers, are nowhere to be found, so I leave Bryant and his histrionics to Steve and take off after the two big kids. If lazy river navigation was an Olympic sport I would win no medals for grace, but maybe a certificate of completion because I eventually found them. I played cat and mouse with them for a while before finally bumping into Brad, Meredith, Kayla and Will. We pal around a bit before I start wondering what has become of Steve and the drama king.
Another loop around and I see Bryant reaching out his arms for me. He was finally tired of missing out and willing to go for another spin. I turn to face him and grab him under his arms, squatting under the water and walking backwards. He holds on for dear life, gripping the back of my arms and saying, ”Don’t let go mommy.” We proceed like this until we reach a calm stretch of water. He relaxes enough that his feet touch the ground and he realizes he can bounce on the bottom. His face lights up and he visibly relaxes, but his grip on me never lessens. Never one to leave a question unasked, I say, “Why are you holding on so tight if you know you can touch?” His response brought tears to my eyes, “Because I always need you mommy, even when I can touch.”
God wants the very same kind of dependence and trust from us through every season of our walk. The same devoted, whole-hearted clinging to him in times when we are only ankle deep and in times when the water has reached your chin and you are sinking like a rock. Thank you, Jesus. I always need you, even when I can touch.

Meme and Grandpa McHenry (a.k.a. Susan and Jay).

The Corcoran Family (that’s us!) – Melanie, Steve, Brendan (8) and John Bryant (4).

The Hallmark Family – Meredith, Brad, Kayla (almost 5) and Will (3).

The Haywood Family – Jill, Andrew, Molly (3), and Ben (born in June ’08). Only Molly made the trip, because – let’s face it – a 1 month old at Sea World is just a disaster in the making.

The McHenry/Garcia Family – Neal, Leah, Zoe (8), Caleb Anthony (6), Caleb Taylor (4), and Callie (2).

We blunder our way through the day catching: shows (Shamu, of course), roller coasters (Steel Eel, not a fan!), and who knows what from the public restrooms. Around 4:30, everyone is near comatose, so Brad and Mer suggest a trip to the water park to lounge in the Lazy River. Bryant starts chanting “la-zy river” and in my heat exhaustion I join him for a moment. Brendan and Zoe strip down to their suits and plunge into the river. Steve wades in cautiously as I peel Bryant (thrashing and squeaking) off the hand rail and begin to drag him along. Maybe it was the mass of humanity swirling around us, or the swift man-made current that spooked him, but I drag him along until we score a donut shaped tube with handles for him to ride on. In trying to get him onto the tube he manages to climb up the edge of the river, park himself beside a lifeguard, cross his arms over his life jacket, stick out his lips in a world class pout and refuse to come back into the water. Fun times!
Brendan and Zoe, both great swimmers, are nowhere to be found, so I leave Bryant and his histrionics to Steve and take off after the two big kids. If lazy river navigation was an Olympic sport I would win no medals for grace, but maybe a certificate of completion because I eventually found them. I played cat and mouse with them for a while before finally bumping into Brad, Meredith, Kayla and Will. We pal around a bit before I start wondering what has become of Steve and the drama king.
Another loop around and I see Bryant reaching out his arms for me. He was finally tired of missing out and willing to go for another spin. I turn to face him and grab him under his arms, squatting under the water and walking backwards. He holds on for dear life, gripping the back of my arms and saying, ”Don’t let go mommy.” We proceed like this until we reach a calm stretch of water. He relaxes enough that his feet touch the ground and he realizes he can bounce on the bottom. His face lights up and he visibly relaxes, but his grip on me never lessens. Never one to leave a question unasked, I say, “Why are you holding on so tight if you know you can touch?” His response brought tears to my eyes, “Because I always need you mommy, even when I can touch.”
God wants the very same kind of dependence and trust from us through every season of our walk. The same devoted, whole-hearted clinging to him in times when we are only ankle deep and in times when the water has reached your chin and you are sinking like a rock. Thank you, Jesus. I always need you, even when I can touch.
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I LOVE your blog!!
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