Friday, December 12, 2008

Coming soon...

So, for the two people that follow my blog, I sincerely apologize. I have not updated this thing in OVER a month. One of you is probably relieved, the other has asked if I ever to plan to post again. Lest you think I've been resting on my laurels and not even concocting mental blog posts, I will briefly share the list of posts I will whip up when I finally have my two week break from teaching Mark Twain and Harper Lee to 8th graders. Talk about casting pearls before swine...

The Twilight Movie Midnight Showing - highlights include freezing temperatures and a sleeping bag malfunction.

Adults at Disneyworld - being a kid again is just a metaphor and does not mean you should wear the Mickey ears.

Christmas shopping for kids - is it getting harder or is it just me? I had no idea I would need a private investigator or riot gear just to get a copy of Mario Kart for Wii.

Christmas Cards - our card this year turned out to be a study in irony. But we do love getting people's cards every year, if only for the entertainment value of those LONG letters. Kind of like a year long blog delivered to your home.

That's all for now, but extended time with my husband, kids and family will no doubt provide more ammunition for blogging in the not too distant future.


Brad and Meredith said...

Hey, I follow your blog! I just don't usualy comment. Sometimes I look smarter when I keep my mouth shut. I am sure you are glad I finally learned that.

Angie said...

Glad to see you have some topics planned. I've been missing your humor and a good laugh lately!